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Thursday, 17 December 2009

OSI Call for Proposals for NGO Advocacy Projects

The Open Society Institute (OSI) has announced the “Call for Proposals: Prison as a Last Resort – Advocacy Projects” for NGOs in Central and Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union under the Human Rights and Governance Grants Program (HRGGP). Proposals can be submitted on projects related to the following areas:

  • Promoting Respect for Human Rights in Prisons
  • Challenging the Overuse of Incarceration
  • Combating Discrimination in Sentencing, Prisons and Reentry
“Funding will be provided to advocacy projects addressing one or more of the above priority areas through research and advocacy, impact litigation, and policy analysis.”
Both local and international NGOs in the region can apply for the funding. “Recognizing that those most impacted by penal policies should be included in reform efforts, participation of people with criminal records is welcome.”
“Successful projects must have clearly defined advocacy goals and detailed plans for how they will be achieved. Proposals should also include communication strategies for generating heightened support for penal reform efforts, including campaigning and mobilizing elements as appropriate.”
“Funding will be provided to advocacy projects addressing one or more of the above priority areas through research and advocacy, impact litigation, and policy analysis. HRGGP does not providesupport for stand-alone trainings and conferences, service provision, or individual academic study/ research/ travel.”
Grants can be requested for projects lasting up to 24 months. Concept notes of 2-3 pages have to be submitted initially. These will be accepted on rolling basis.
Grant decisions in 2010 will be made in two rounds:
  • Concept papers submitted before January 20, 2010, will receive final decisions by May 1, 2010.
  • Concept papers submitted before August 1, 2010, will be notified of funding decisions by November 30, 2010.
For more information, visit this link.